Got to love the magic of dvds, a quilt on the sofa and a snack.....two happy boys watching Tinkerbell (for the 4th time this week) and Lottie crashed out asleep.....ahhhh peace!!!!!
Busy day tomorrow, Cam has his appointment at the epilepsy clinic and I have to get the cake, card, last minute bits and bobs for Ollies birthday on Saturday........and in the evening, the joy of building his new tractor and trailer and wrapping presents!!!!
Can't believe my little man is going to be 3 years old!
Here is his birthday siggie by the lovely Lisa Hunt :)
Well that's me for now, might pop back on later and write a bit about of each of my 3 little terrors, introduce them properly and all haha!!!! The birthday has broken rank and is currently doing forward flips off to sofa so better go be a mummy!